Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Thankful list (Better late then never)

Like many of you I have so many things to be thankful for. I will not bore you with all of them. -My husband who tolerates my pms -My family who I just spent a very crowded 3 days with (we all got along GREAT!!) -For the change of seasons...may sound weird but living in the south you have 1 season and it is Summer! ok, maybe 2, summer and spring. -Living in a city but able to drive just a short distance to be out of the city! -My friends who love me unconditionally -Old friends that I have recently reconnected with(Robyn...Love you girl, your the greatest) -My 2 girls who love their mommy so much even when I am not a very good mommy. -And of course God...I fail him so many times. I am so thankful that he never fails me!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Life Lately!

I haven't had a whole lot going on lately, besides being extremely busy at work and... AND.... my hubby getting me Bon Jovi tickets for my birthday!! I have always LOVED him, even in the 80's, big hair and all. Another thing... I have my mom and dad, my sister and her family coming for Thanksgiving so I am sure after that I will have PLENTY more to write about.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Out of the mouth of babes

We had a little issue with our oldest a little over a week ago....She was involved with a note that was being passed around between 3 others in her class. Needless to say the note was not nice. Caddy girl stuff (you all know what I am talking about because we all have done it) The teacher had mentioned it to me during our parent/teacher conference because she has a "No Tolerance" rule when it comes bullying. Anyway....I read the note and almost died when I read what the last student wrote. Thank God the teacher caught the note passing before it got back to S. We had a very long talk with her and explained the importance of this and how saying things or even writing notes about people can really hurt them. Today her teacher emailed me and said that she overheard another girl trying to get S involved in another caddy situation and she heard S say "No way...I am staying out of the Drama, I have no use for it and want to stay away from it". That really made me proud!! Sometimes I think that all my parenting is not even being noticed. Today proved me wrong. I pray she can continue to be as strong as she was today.