Saturday, March 8, 2008

Anxiety and change

For some, change is so unsettling and can be quite traumatic. For me…well...I should be used to it. I went to a different school every year of high school and in my senior year I went to three...yes, you read correctly…three different schools. I grew up saying "I will never marry someone in the ministry." HA!! Does God have a sense of humor or what? When I married my hubby, he was a soldier, still a very unsettling career choice, especially due to the type of soldier he was. Then the Lord said…"Never say never my dear.". Here we are in the ministry for over almost 13 years now. My husband is on the pastoral team of a wonderful church with wonderful team members and we have been at this place for four years now. About two months ago I was approached by my former manager where I temped for almost three months. She wanted me to consider coming back to work as a permanent employee. At this time our two year A.R.M. turned into an adjustable rate mortgage because we could not sell or refinance due to the housing slump. I tried for a long time to get the job where I was currently, and to think about making another job change...all I have to say is it caused a lot of sleepless nights. I just wanted someone to make the decision for me, but I knew that was not going to happen. My husband said that he would support whatever decision I made. So here I am, three weeks into my decision and I have to say, I really feel confident that I made the right choice for my family. I feel like God gave this job to me at the right time. As unsettling as it was for me to make that decision and to think that people might look at me like I was crazy for changing jobs again, I know that it was the right thing for my family.


Anonymous said...

Hey- good for you. I like your new layout. Itsa nice!! :)